(954) 739-6662


What is a Step-Parent Adoption?

A Step-Parent Adoption creates a legal relationship between a step parent and child that previously did not exist. The child becomes the adopting parent’s legal heir. The child is entitled to all of the rights and privileges and subject to all of the obligations of a child born to the adoptive parent. An adoption ends the rights of a birth parent and creates rights for the adoptive parent.


Who may adopt?
The following persons generally may adopt:

1. A husband and wife jointly (one being the birth parent)
2. An unmarried adult, including the birth parent of the adoptee.
3. The person adopting must be a Florida resident.


Who must consent to an adoption?
Unless the court does not require it, a petition to adopt a child under age be granted only if:

1. The mother signed a written consent to the adoption.
2. The father signed a written consent to the adoption.
3. If the child is older than 12 years, he or she must sign a written consent.