(954) 739-6662


What seemed to make perfect sense at the time of your Final Judgment now seems totally impractical or unworkable. A Modification of the Final Judgment can be filed by either party when there is a substantial change in circumstances.

Some examples of substantial changes relating to child support are:

* substantial increase or decrease in the parent’s income
* increased needs of the minor children
* and change in the minor child’s residence. The minor child may now be with the “other” parent.

Are you paying too much for child support?

Is your spouse not paying you enough for child support? Florida law allows you to take your spouse back to court and have your child support modified based on you and your former spouse’s current income.

Have you and your spouse agreed to change custody of the child?

Is your former spouse not treating your child the way they should?

Florida law allows you to take your spouse back to court to modify the custody of the child.

Is your former spouse using your child as a pawn?

Is your former spouse keeping the child from you? Florida law allows you to take your spouse back to court to modify the visitation of the child.